Innocent Mind Healing

Healing happens as soon as you release the illusion of a separate identity. 

Innocent Mind Healing is a process that helps you release hurtful patterns and manifest the experiences you actually want to have.

Welcome to a transformative remote healing session!

More About Innocent Mind Healing 

Most of us live according to inherited patterns of thinking, feeling and behavior. If we don’t realize that we are the creator of every aspect of our life, we will inevitably end up having a hard time in life, and problems will crop up.

When we face challenges, what we need to do is not fight the problems, but release the mental and energetic patterns that have manifested the situation, so that better experiences can arise.  

So how does remote healing work, and why can I help you from afar? One way to explain it is this: if you know how to access the Innocent Mind (the mind which is free of conditioning), you also gain access to the undivided field of  collective mental, energetic and physical vibrations.  From this detached, intelligent transcendence of the Innocent Mind we can reset anyone's mental, energetic and physical patterns towards their intended, harmonious version. This is what I do to help you, and why I can work even from "a distance". The process is described in detail in my book Healing Is Child’s Play and is based on ancient Ayurvedic and Yogic principles.  

"Hello Aurora. THANK YOU Angel! My left knee feels better already."



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There are blockages we can’t see or handle by ourselves. I would love to be your partner in removing the barriers that hinder your creative freedom and keep you stuck in repetitive patterns of suffering.

Choose From 6 IM Healing Techniques

(  - click on each to read more -  )

This technique addresses your whole system and rectifies all types of general imbalances. 

First, we cleanse your three dense layers (mental, energetic, and physical). 

Then we connect them with your archetypal patterns and inner bliss, bringing clarity to your life direction. 

Lastly, we encourage the bright qualities of your Being to infuse your mind, energy, and body. 

This technique will help you feel rejuvenated, uplifted, and energized, with a renewed clarity of direction and possibilities. 

This technique is for you if you have repetitive problems in a core relationship, e.g., with your significant other, a family member, or a close work colleague. 

It can also be a relationship with someone you don’t know well but who influences your life strongly. 

We cleanse the subtle layers of both people, rectify co-dependency and other karmic patterns, and make space for an authentic soul connection.

This procedure will always have a positive effect. 

Both people will turn their attention to their authentic path, together or apart, whichever is most beneficial. 

As the two no longer project their limitations on each other, the relationship will improve and become more satisfying.

Choose this technique if your main challenge relates to work and career e.g., not feeling successful, appreciated, or fulfilled, not finding a job, or not knowing what profession to choose. 

Besides the cleansing and replenishing of body, energy, and mind common to all techniques, you will also reconnect with your authentic life purpose.

This will allow you to step up with power, and become who you truly desire to be. 

For most people, reconnecting with one’s authentic career path is enough to solve even financial problems. 

But if you are doing work that you love and are good at, and are still not experiencing financial well-being, this is the technique for you. 

Besides cleansing and replenishing your mind, energy and physical layers, we will also work directly with recalibrating your financial situation. 

If you need to make a big decision but are afraid to make a mistake, or if you find yourself in a moment when things can either go well or terribly wrong, I strongly encourage you to try this technique. 

We will work with cleansing your habitual negativity and making good outcomes possible, even probable. 

This technique will help heal your surroundings, making it easier for you and everyone else to thrive.

It is perfect for situations when you experience an environment of aggression, violence, heavy and depressed energy, destruction, etc. – in your family, at work or in society. 

The technique is also suitable to restore the environment faster after natural catastrophes, or to balance extreme weather like drought, floods, storms, heat waves or extreme cold. 

With this technique, I will work on balancing the experience of your environment. 

"Dear Aurora, I feel like I’ve been so fortunate to receive healing energy from you. I am more relaxed and the sense that all is taken care of. There were some fears about a certain situation which have miraculously disappeared after the session with you! I am at ease. During the session I easily went into a deep meditation, as I felt so comfortable with you. I love what you’re doing, and send prayers and blessings for you to shine more and more lives."

Reena Ree


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Frequently Asked Questions

about Innocent Mind Healing

How is IM Healing different? 

IM Healing, or Innocent Mind Healing, is a distillation of the essence of the many healing techniques from all over the world which I have practiced and taught to students during the last 20 years. 

I have synthesized what actually works and what is truly needed, making this process focused and super effective. The techniques are explained and described in detail in my book Healing Is Child's Play.

How long is a healing session? 

A healing session is 30 minutes.  

What does IM Healing cost? 

See the prices for IM Healing sessions and for discounted packages on the Booking page. 

Where do we meet? 

We meet in my video chatroom on Google Meet. It is very easy to join. You just click the link in your confirmation email.

For more details, visit the FAQ page. 

Are there options for healing besides healing? 

Yes, I also offer Counseling , Meditation, and Life Coaching services. Check out the Services page.  

I have never worked with you, can we meet first? 

If you have not worked with me before and want to see if the chemistry is right, you are more than welcome to book a FREE Introductory Meeting (15 minutes).

Do I need to prepare anything for Healing?​

Healing sessions are remote, which means there is no video meeting. At the time of your appointment, I will direct my attention to you and will do the healing procedure in the space of awareness. 

You don't need to do anything special during the healing session and can be active or even sleep. Should you want to connect more intimately with the process, please sit or lie down and relax during the 30' session, either in meditation, or with your attention in the body. 

It can be beneficial to drink extra water after the healing session and allow yourself as much quiet time as possible to help your system adjust. 

I have other questions 

Please check out the FAQ page and the Terms and Conditions

If you your answer is not there, feel free to contact me. 

"I want to thank you most sincerely for your child healing on M. at the beginning of this week. Thank you! 

I have now been in contact with her ​​over the phone. She told me that her psoriasis is almost completely gone, just some left. She actually sounded surprised when she said it (after I asked her, and she checked). So I /we are very grateful for all your help."

Maria P.


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I'm looking forward to meeting you soon in my video chatrooma gentle and safe space for transformation and healing.

Let's speed up your journey to authentic freedom, power and joy!