I have had the privilege of touching the lives of hundreds, maybe thousands of amazing people. To each of my clients – thank you for trusting me and allowing me to come close! Here are a few testimonials I have received over the years.
"Aurora, I want to thank you. Thank you for many things. The fact that you are who you are and do what you do and that you in different ways guide and help me and others to be who we are. Finding our way back to ourselves and evolve."
Marie. P. – Malmö, Sweden
"Hello Aurora.
THANK YOU Angel! My left knee feels better already."
Aila L.H., Great Britain
"Hi Aurora! I was just about to write to you when I received your email. I was so touched, you are so thoughtful. You should know that it warmed my heart. You are a an angel. Hope you know that."
Marit J., Härnösand, Sweden
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversations and the healing. There is so much I am grateful for, so much has happened during this time. To think that such “small” things can mean so much. Becoming aware is an exciting journey. It is one thing to know in your mind and another to feel your heart and whole body bubble with joy. That feeling- I want more of it! "
Karen H. – USA
"On my life journey I am on the one hand determined to find my true core, on the other hand confused about how I will come to peace with myself and be able to act with vigor and love of life. Aurora summed up my situation early, saying that I have an inner struggle between my worldly and spiritual goals. We agree that our work with me is to identify and become aware of how and where my ego stands in the way of my innermost desire for even more peace, love and lucidity.
Whenever I need support between the coaching sessions I can sit down and write her an email, and ACTUALLY almost immediately receive a heart felt and wise answer. It means a lot to me.
Aurora is there like a rock, steadfast in her purpose to heal and discover falsehoods that can lead me astray. She is a hand to hold and a dialogue partner on my journey inward. She says she’s just a loudspeaker for my own being, but she’s more than that, she is a necessary and loving support in my process, full of wisdom and good will."
Fredrik Hallberg, Sweden
"I thoroughly enjoyed the program , I love your meditations and the instructions to go within , Iv been using one of the mantras continuously as it flows easy and I need help with debt and creativity. The music was so relaxing and soothed the mind and body . I did recommend it and shared it on Facebook."
Anonymous, Nth Wales
"I am so grateful for all the tools I have received, I can use them in small and big situations. Simply because of what we talked about last Wednesday, I have felt such a change in myself, but also in the response from others. I used the tools we talked about and – oh my … things started to happen! I changed small things (which were a huge step for me, but with your help it was simple…). Sooo exciting!!"
Anonymous, Gothenburg, Sweden
"Dear Aurora, I want to express to you my gratitude and joy for having elaborated such a wonderful Prosperity Program. I am very very happy that I had the opportunity to follow it. I deeply enjoyed the daily Program and Meditation, looked really forward to it and never wanted it to stop, as you have created an atmosphere with your words, voice and music that felt like an ocean of peace and love.
Many of your suggestions in the exercise parts were very useful to understand …" (read more)
Margherita Rueger, Rome, Italy
"… much better my own attitude to Prosperity, Abundance and Money. One of your daily programs dealt with debts, moral and material. While it was almost a year that I procrastinated to settle such a situation with a friend, to my great surprise and satisfaction the very day after I followed your Program on that theme, I got a chance to resolve the problem. It felt so good!
I have had guests during these past weeks and on certain days it was really difficult to find the right moment to follow the program, but miraculously I could do it. That was fantastic. Of course I would have loved to dedicate more time to the absorption of your wisdom and I would love to repeat the whole process. Congratulations dear Aurora for this opportunity to widen my horizons. The deeper meaning which is that of bringing Prosperity to all of humanity and to contribute consciously and hopefully also materially to eliminate Poverty from our world, makes your Project an outstandingly excellent one. THANK YOU! And … I adore the sound of your voice which wraps around me and permeates me magically. There is perfect harmony that emanates from your Program. Yes, I warmly recommend it to everybody."
Margherita Rueger, Rome, Italy
"Aurora’s coaching is practical and focused on solutions, without in any way losing contact with the deep insights into life as a guide. When I got in touch with Aurora, I thought it was to solve the problems I faced in life, both privately and in my work situation as self-employed. One of the most unique aspects to me has been that she has not helped me solve the problems, but rather guided me to realize that they are not problems but a unique opportunity to create exactly the life I want at all levels..." (read more)
Anna Gordh Humlesjö, Yoga Dance Flow, Sweden
"During the 6 weeks that I have so far taken part of the life coaching program, I have in a very natural way created big changes in my life and take very different decisions than before. Aurora’s guidance is imbued equally by the joy of life, integrity, presence, courage to speak out, even if the truth is provocative. There’s an insight in her working method, about spiritual healing on a very deep level.
This has been very powerful and transformative for me and has guided me to change my self-image radically. I dare see all sides of myself today in a whole new way , without ignoring the issues that challenge or limit me. This has led to practical insights on how I can create, choose and fulfill my life, my career and my relationships in the way I long for deep down in my heart. Somehow I’ve always known that it is possible, but through Aurora’s coaching, I have gained insights on how I can go about arriving there."
Anna Gordh Humlesjö, Yoga Dance Flow, Sweden
"Thank you dear Aurora for helping us! Your healing helped us to achieve this beautiful miracle! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! <3 We love you!!"
Edgar Diem, Austria
"Finished the research proposal two days early!!! The Saraswati mantra helped, Aurora!!! How shall I celebrate?"
Jenny Gargarello, USA
"This has been a powerful journey for me during an incredibly difficult $ power struggle in which I choose to take little part in but effects me greatly. Thank you it will allow me to go through those times with new tools and a new heart, and it will not effect my physical being in the same way.. healing has occurred. I have much hope for the future of where my $ wealth will come from but I also know it’s coming I see it in bright lights like never before."
Sage Bramhall- Empowerment Coach at My Sage Advice, USA
"I want to thank you most sincerely for your child healing on M. at the beginning of this week. Thank you!
I have now been in contact with her over the phone. She told me that her psoriasis is almost completely gone, just some left. She actually sounded surprised when she said it (after I asked her, and she checked).
So I /we are very grateful for your help, very impressive.
You might hear from me again. I am happy to recommend your work to others who need help with healing!"
Marika P., Stockholm, Sweden
"Thank you dear Aurora for kind words and fabulous guidance!! It’s so awesome, when I end up in situations where I first wonder why I react or what to do- I can just scroll back to our conversations and I always find keys. Sometimes it goes lightning fast and other times I have to really stop and look at what I’m doing and it takes more time.
When I get angry or upset, I think: what was it that Aurora said again? The soul never gets angry or upset... Well, who is it that reacts? :)) Then I breathe a little and start again; so great everything turns out then.
It’s such a tremendous asset for me. I am grateful and hopeful. I not only thank God /the soul /my insight and intuition, but I also give thanks for meeting You."
Karin Homann, Hälsoboden, Sweden
I learned a lot about the ‘habitual’ thought patterns that were holding my ability to accept the abundance available to me."
Teena Cormack, Canada
"The PGP program is beautiful. The design, the content, the spirit behind every bit of it, is exquisite. Thank you so much for putting it together."
SS, Houston, USA
"I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for our conversations and the healing. There is so much I am grateful for, so much has happened during this time. To think that such “small” things can mean so much. Becoming aware is an exciting journey. It is one thing to know in your mind and another to feel your heart and whole body bubble with joy. That feeling- I want more of it!"
Karen H. – USA
"I have participated in the first two test days and I think you have created a fantastic program that is easy to understand and filled with wisdom. I want to continue at my own pace, is it possible to download the program?"
Teresia K Scher, Founder – MyHeartHouse, Sweden
"I just had to write, I’m bursting with joy. I am already taking the next step forward! Thank you Aurora for taking me on this journey! I will make so many more discoveries."
Eva N., Canada
"Aurora, i see so clearly through your eyes, you have been one of the most influential people in my life during last year and now! With loads of love, THANKS."
Belinda V. Guillory, USA
"Dear Aurora, I have done two “sessions” and it feels great and I was surprised by feeling my chakras activating very strongly during the mantras. Thank you so much! Love and hugs."
Margherita Rüeger, Italy
"I learned a lot about the ‘habitual’ thought patterns that were holding my ability to accept the abundance available to me."
Teena Cormack, Canada
"Thanks for the great tip, and sometimes a hug is actually much better than a lot of words, even when it comes to understanding smth complicated."
"Quite wonderful Aurora, all recordings are perfect. You are gifted in voice and vibration. A darshan leader you are and a light keeper to dispel ignorance. Love Onnnn Dear friend."
John L. Close, Yoga teacher at Willow Tree, USA
"You have created a fantastically beautiful and very effective program. I am grateful with my whole heart that I was able to participate. The PGP dissolves even deep-seated unconscious blockages, fears and much more. Dear Aurora, thank you for your wonderful work. This program helps spiritual people improve their lives in all its aspects, according to their heart’s desire. I believe in this program and hope that as many as possible will be helped by it."
Ernst Koch, Reiki Master, Switzerland
I'm looking forward to meeting you soon in my video chatroom, a gentle and safe space for transformation and healing. Let's speed up your journey to authentic freedom, power and joy!