Frequently Asked Questions

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Services: General Questions

General questions about all services

How do I book a session? 

It’s easy!

Where do we meet and how? 

We meet on the video platform Google Meet. It is very easy and you don’t need to download anything. It works on any device.

Right after your booking, you receive an email with appointment information and a link to my video room. Please check your spam folder if you don’t see the email, and contact me if you still can’t find it a few hours later.

Here is how it works:

For some of my services it is possible to meet on another platform if you prefer (e.g. WhatsApp, Messenger, Instagram or Viber). Check with me before you book, if this is important for you.

Does it matter where I am located? 

Not at all. You can be anywhere in the world, as long as you have the needed internet connection. I am most often connecting from Sweden.  

Do I need to get the time zones right? 

No worries! When you make a booking, you will see your own time zone in the calendar. Also, in the email with appointment details, everything is shown in your time zone. 

Your time zone is based on the settings of your device, and you can see it confirmed above the calendar when you book.

Can I book more than one service, or repeat a service? 

Yes, depending on the service, you can add suitable extra services, choose packages, or have a service repeated at regular intervals  (recurring).

To see the options available right now, check out the Booking page.

How do packages work? 

Packages are a way to make it more affordable for you to receive my help in a consistent manner during challenging times, or when you want a more substantial transformation. 

They also offer more regularity and calm in your focus on healing different issues. 

The appointments in most packages can be booked 2 months ahead. You only need to book the first appointment in the series, and can return to your Dashboard to book the others later if you want.

Please note that most packages have a validity period of 2 months, as mentioned on the booking page, in your Dashboard, and also in your confirmation email.  You can only book your appointments during the validity period.  See the Terms for more info. 

You can see available packages on the Booking page.

You receive confirmation emails for every booking, with detailed information regarding your appointments. 

I can't find time slots that fit my schedule. Can you help? 

If you can't find suitable dates and time slots in my calendar, contact me and I’ll try to help.  

Can I reschedule/cancel an appointment? 


A. For single services (one session purchases):

You can reschedule a single service latest 48 hours before and maximum 1 time, as follows: 

B. For packages and Life Coaching  (multisession purchases):

For packages and life coaching, you can reschedule appointments latest 48 hours before an appointment, and maximum 2 times total. This is done in your Dashboard, under Packages.


I am very grateful if you free a time slot in my calendar in case you have to cancel, but kindly note that there are no refunds for cancellations except in special situations (see the Terms and Conditions). 

You can cancel appointments as described in Reschedule above. You can also simply contact me and let me know.

What do IM services cost? 

You can see all the prices on the Booking page.  

Do you offer discounts? 

Yes, I do! 

Which payment methods do you accept? 

You will be charged through the secure payment gates Stripe or Paypal, as you choose. Credit card is always an option. Depending on your location, there are also other ways to pay besides a credit card. You will see your exact options when you arrive at checkout

If you want to make a bank transfer instead, contact me before you book.  

What can I do in my Dashboard?

Here is what you can do in your Dashboard


Check Your Appointment Details:

Find Your Video Chat Link

Reschedule an Appointment:

Cancel an Appointment:


Check the Validity Period of Your Packages:

Schedule Your Remaining Appointments in Packages:

Cancel Packages:

Attention: Canceled packages are not refundable! To cancel a package, click on it, and then on the button Cancel. See the complete Terms.

Change Your Profile:

Do I need an app, or technical equipment? 

You don't need to install anything. We meet on Google Meet, which works on most devices and browsers. 

For any service where we meet over video (e.g. Counseling, Meditate With Me, Yoga Nidra), you need a device with a camera, microphone, and a good enough internet connection to allow a video conversation. 

For Meditate With Me and Yoga Nidra, it is also possible to only use audio, so you don’t need a camera unless you want us to see each other. 

Can we converse in a language other than English?​ 

Yes! Besides English, I converse in Swedish and Romanian. German is also possible, but contact me first. 

I have never worked with you, can we meet before deciding? 

If you have not worked with me before and want to see if the chemistry is right, you are more than welcome to book a free introductory meeting (15 minutes). Click here

Counseling FAQ

Questions about Innocent Mind Counseling services

How long is a counseling session? 

A counseling session is 60 or 90 minutes, depending on what you have booked.

Where do we meet? 

For all services with video contact, we meet through Google Meet. You do not need to install anything or have a Google account. 

You find the link to my Google Video Meeting Room along with all other details in the booking confirmation email. 

Are there options to heal besides counseling? 

Yes, there are other ways to heal that don’t involve discussing your issues. Check out the Meditation and Healing offers on the Services page.  

Do I need to prepare anything for Counseling?​ 

You don’t need to prepare anything, but it can be helpful to reflect on what your most pressing issues are and make some notes, so you remember to discuss them when we meet.

You might also want to have pen and paper available at our meeting. Other than that, it is important that you arrange a quiet space where you can talk freely without being interrupted.

Meditation FAQ

Questions about Meditation services

How long is a meditation session? 

What do Meditation services cost? 

You can see the prices for meditation services and discounted packages on the Booking page

Do you offer other options besides meditation? 

Yes, I also offer Counseling and remote Healing. Check out the Services page.  

Do I need to prepare anything for Meditation?​ 

1) For the Meditation Instruction and Meditate With Me sessions, you need to be in a quiet space where you can focus inward without being interrupted (phone, children, pets, etc). Please sit in a comfortable chair that allows you to have a straight spine. You can also sit crossed-legged on the floor or a pillow if you prefer, as long as we still have video contact. 

2) For Yoga Nidra, you need to lie down on a yoga mat or bed, with enough support to feel comfortable for the whole session, but retaining a straight spine. Have a blanket ready in case you need to stay warm.  You might also want to have earphones to hear me clearly.

Make sure you will not be disturbed during the practice. Remember to also turn off notifications on your phone. 

Healing FAQ

Questions about Innocent Mind Healing services

How long is a healing session? 

A healing session is 30 minutes.  

What does IM Healing cost? 

See the prices for  IM Healing sessions and discounted packages on the Booking page. 

Can I book healing for someone else, a person or pet? 

Absolutely! When you book,  you can let me know who the healing is for (yourself, another person, a child, or a pet) and you can also tell me what the main issue is that you wish to heal.  

Is Remote Healing always with NO video contact?

If you book healing separately, yes, healing is without video contact . 

However, if you book a session of Counseling, you have the possibility to choose Healing as an extra service. In that case, if you wish, we can do the healing after the counseling with continued video contact. 

Do I need to prepare anything for Healing?​

Healing sessions are remote, which means there is no video meeting. At the time of your appointment, I will direct my attention to you and will do the healing procedure in the space of awareness. 

You don't need to do anything special during the healing session and can be active or even sleep. Should you want to connect more intimately with the process, please sit or lie down and relax during the 30' session, either in meditation, or with your attention in the body. 

It can be beneficial to drink extra water after the healing session and allow yourself as much quiet time as possible to help your system adjust. 

Can you do a specific IM Healing technique?

When you book, you can let me know which healing technique you want me to apply, as described in my book Healing Is Child’s Play. You have the following options:

If you haven't read my book and don’t know what to choose, just tell me a little about your challenge when you book, and I will know how to approach the issue.

I'd like to discuss my challenges with you. Are there options besides healing?

Yes, check out the Counseling and Life Coaching options on the Services page.

Life Coaching FAQ

Questions about Innocent Mind Life Coaching

How long is a period of Life Coaching? 

You can choose between 4 and 8 weeks, and of course, many of my clients decide to continue even after that, because life just gets better. 

What does Life Coaching cost? 

The services included in the Life Coaching programs are heavily discounted, because both you and me gain from the long-term steady focus on your process. 

See the prices on the Booking page. 

What do we do during the Life Coaching program? 

For the Initial Evaluation, I send you an email with links to the forms I ask you to fill in to help me understand you and your situation as well as possible. You fill in these forms before our first session. 

For the weekly sessions of Counseling, we meet in my video chatroom on Google Meet. It is very easy to join. You just click the link in your confirmation email.

The daily Remote IM Healing sessions during weekdays are done by me at an agreed time, without video contact. You don't need to do anything special during these sessions, and it's all right if you sleep or are active as usual. 

You also receive my full support via email. You can write (to hello at much as you want, and I will answer once per weekday with a summary of my responses to all your emails from that day. 

If you wonder about anything regarding the Life Coaching program, please don't hesitate to contact me

How much time does Coaching require of me?

You only need to fill in a few forms before we start, and then show up 1 hour per week for our video conversations.  That's all.  You can also email me as often as you wish, and read my responses. 

But your actual work is to become attentive regarding the issues we discuss and the way you think, feel and act in your life. You will be living as usual, but not really, because every week we will bring  the light of awareness to patterns you have not noticed before.  As soon as you become aware, you will change, and everyone around you will too. 

This means that you will use the Life-Coaching period to experiment with new attitudes and actions that feel joyful and positive to you, and you will have me at your side as your trusted friend at every step, to understand you even when you don't understand yourself. I will clarify what processes you are going through and how you can tackle the challenges. 

Mostly, I will be there to confirm whenever you are letting your soul lead you out of the small world of the ego, and into the innocence and freedom of your true self. You only have to let it happen.